Thursday, December 24, 2015

11 facts about Shiran

I'm a mother to a 1 year old boy named Yonatan.

I was my husband's commander in the army.

I'm the youngest child in my family.

I danced ballet in the past for 14 years (since the age of 4 until the age of 18).

I hate the winter!!!!!
  I have a BA in health system management.

I was the matchmaker between a good friend of mine and my husband's best friend. They got married a few weeks ago.

My astrological sign is Leo. I think that is why I love the summer so much.

My mother and my sister are also in the educational system.
My name ends with the letter "N" and so as my husband's name- Ben and my son Yonathan. Not intentionally.     

 I don’t eat fruits


1) If you could travel back in time, "when" would you go?
It will have to be the late 70's. To watch Jimi Hendrix preform. I think he is the most talented guitar player the world had seen. 
2) What animal are you?
Probably a lion, my astrological sign is Leo. So I think we share some same qualities like ambition, loyalty but also being melodramatic and stubbornness. 3) Who is the person who influenced you most in life?
My mother, I think she is the best example for a woman. Besides the fact that she is a great wife, mother, grandmother she built a great career as an educator for 35 years.
She is the reason I want to become teacher.    
4) Nice quiet evening at home or partying out all night?
Nice evening at home, but not quiet. We love to host our friends and families.
We have people coming over pretty much almost every evening.
5) If you had a day to yourself once a month what would be your schedule?
I love to shop but ever since I became a mother, I find myself buying less and less because I don’t have a lot of free time. So it has to be "shop till you drop!" day.
6) Where would you live if not in Israel, why there?
I don’t see myself living any other place then Israel.
7) If you didn't have to work a day in your life, where would you volunteer every day instead?
There is an organization called "first huge". In Israel each year approximately 300 babies are abandoned by their parents in hospitals. These babies, often sick, suffer from birth injuries or congenital defects. They are forced to remain hospitalized in various departments, sometimes for many months, without a mother's loving touch.
This organization's volunteer's work is to come every day and spend some time with those babies. Hugging, kissing them. Research shows that it can do wanders for their recuperation.
8) How do you like your steak- rare, medium or well done???
I don’t really like meat, so I don’t eat steaks.
9) Why did you decide on becoming an educator/ teacher?
I'm doing "Hasava", after finishing my BA in managing in the health system I understood that I'm on the wrong path. Dealing with numbers is not something I want to for a living. After thinking about it a lot I realized that in education I can really influence in a good way on the next generation. Besides the fact that my mother and my sister are in the educational system and it is probably in my genes J  
10) In spirit- are you old and wise or young and innocent?
Some place in the middle. I think that most of my growing up was made during this the last, when I became a mother.
11) What are the three most important things in your life (not specific people)?
Health, family and love (cheesy I know but so true)…

11 questions:

What is your family situation?
Do you have a prior experience in teaching?
What are your hobbies?
Do you have any "guilty pleasure"? If so, tell about it.
Do you like to watch reality shows?
What is the meaning of your name? Do you have a nice story behind the name?
Why did you choose education?
What is your favorite food?
What was your major subject in high school?
What is your favorite season, and why?
What is your biggest fear?

Chen - you're tagged!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hey, here we go...

... excuse me for the "hafirot"- I don't know otherwise... ;-)

11 Facts:
 1) I am the oldest of four girls. We are four sisters. When we were little, I hated them. I was an only child until I was seven and then all three of them came one after the other. Today, we are best friends and I love them to death.

2) I have three children- two boys (13 and 11 years old) and one princess (three years old).

3) I am a hopeless girly girl.  My favorite color is purple and now- when I finally have a daughter (Thank God) we go crazy with the butterflies, the pink and the glitter. It makes my guys (husband and boys) sick, but they're helpless.

4) I am a fat mama trapped in a relatively small body. I love food especially pastry and chocolate- cakes, cookies and more!!!
5) I once owned a pizza place. It was our recipe and it was amazing!!! I love pizza and never got sick of eating it. I know how to make pizza only with large amounts of dough. I don't make pizza at home because I simply don't know the correct quantities for a small pizza…
6) I grew up in New Jersey from the age of three till I was ten years old. There, I learned to read and write in English and Hebrew before first grade.
7) I dream of traveling around the world, I love learning about the history of different places and cultures.
8) I am afraid of the dark. Seriously… I have a major phobia of seeing things in the dark. There has to be a light on when I go to sleep if not, I will probably die.
9) I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. I started a master's degree in criminology in the Hebrew University. After one semester of an average of 92, I quit. I felt that I'm not really interested in criminology, what interested me was having a masters degree from H.U. because it sounds good…When I realized this, I took a break a year to figure out what I really want to do when I grow up (even though I was already 30 years old).
10) I have an afro. I hate it. Ever since I remember myself I have had issues with my hair. I spend lots of money trying to restrain it using chemicals, heat and what not. I still wish I would wake up one day with straight long hair. It's all my Yemen fathers' fault who gave me his afro hair genes!!!
11) I volunteered in the women council where I live in order to raise awareness for domestic violence and battered women. After experiencing a terrible marriage and going through an empowerment process which helped me get out of this vicious cycle, I now tell my story in order to inspire other women who might be in a situation which they don't see a way out of. I share my story in different ways- by writing about it and talking to women about my experience, about how violence wears various masks and more.    
. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
I got married- twice!
2. What did you do for your last birthday?
Spa, a good massage and good food
 3. What is your perfect pizza?
I love pizza!!!!! Can eat it every day… My favorite is pizza margarita,  
4.  Do you play video games? if so, what are they? If not, why?
No I don't. Why? My boys play video games all day and I can't stand it. I don't get it either.
 5.  If you can have 3 wishes to the world, and not yourself, what would they be?
World peace
End the hunger
Protect all living creatures
Blah blah blah
(I feel in a beauty pageant)
6.  What was your first job ever?
I worked as a seller in the jeans department in the Mashbir, a million years ago, before going to the army in 1999.
 7.  What was the happiest moment of your life?
As any mother would answer- when I gave birth to my children, three children- endless joy (They drive me crazy but I love them…)  
8.  What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge in life was getting out of a destructive marriage with two little children and leaving my first husband who was violent physically, verbally and mentally. It wasn't easy, very frightening and took a lot of mental preparation. When I finally got the guts and left, it felt as if a tumor was removed out of me.
9.  What one thing that should be taught in school that isn't already?
I think children should be given tools to deal with life. They should not only be taught subjects that they then are tested on. They should be taught to love themselves, appreciate themselves, respect themselves and others, learn to accept differences, self awareness and all those things that can help create mentally healthy adults that will run this world in the future. Oh yeah…
10.  What is your favorite movie and why?
O.k. That’s a hard question. I love movies of all kind and watch many. I don't have one favorite. But, I can say that movies that 'stay' with me are definitely movies that give me a new perspective on my own life.
11.  Tell me a secret?
Jjgdj mggkd kkjd Kcnhdk Ghh kjhfjf btghg!!!
Shshshshs… Don't tell anyone! 
1) If you could travel back in time, "when" would you go?
2) What animal are you?
3) Who is the person who influenced you most in life?
4) Nice quiet evening at home or partying out all night?
5) If you had a day to yourself once a month what would be your schedule?
6) Where would you live if not in Israel, why there?
7) If you didn't have to work a day in your life, where would you volunteer every day instead?
8) How do you like your steak- rare, medium or well done???
9) Why did you decide on becoming an educator/ teacher?
10) In spirit- are you old and wise or young and innocent?
11) What are the three most important things in your life (not specific people)?
Shiran- you're tagged!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The 11 Facts Challenge - Aya Jaber

11 facts:

1. I was a major tomboy growing up; I used to resent pink, now its one of my favorite colors. 

2. I love Metal music. 

3. I took part in a doughnut eating contest. I won. It was delicious.

4. Don't know how to cook. Never cooked a meal in my entire life.

5. I love video games. You name it, I've played it.

6.  I met my favorite band 'Simple plan' as a teenager ( keyword, teenager, don't judge me), while I was walking home from school. 

7.  I've never been abroad.

8. I was afraid of snakes until like, two months ago.

9.  I volunteered for 5 years in 4 different organization.  

10.  I'm afraid of needles, and shots. It's so real that I almost passed out while receiving one.

11.  My shoe size is really 35.  

11 Answers:

 1. What would you like to do next year?
  To start my MA, hopefully. 

2. What do you prefer to eat: dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate?
   White chocolate. And don't tell me it's not real chocolate. It's real to me, and to my taste buds.

3. Who is the person you admire the most? Why?
My mother. Why, you ask?  Where do I start? Well, First she birthed me. So, thanks for that mom. That was really nice of her. On a more serious note, I admire her because she's everything I want to be.

4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
I see myself joining the " Back in my day.." club. Maybe even with a PHD in hand, lecturing in some college. I hope future me goes skydiving. 

5. Name five people you would like to go on a vacation with them.
1. someone who's funny.
2. someone who's adventurous.
3. someone who's cautious.
4.  someone who's good with maps and GPS.
5. Someone who knows first aid.

6. What makes you happy?
Eating pizza makes me happy. Pizza is love. Pizza is life.

7. What is your first memory?
Sitting in the street crying, when I was 2 or something, because I wanted the bunny from the pet store that my mother and I walked past. Wasn't even a real bunny. It was a picture (my mom's words).

8. Why did you decide to study special education?
I didn't decide, it just kind of happened. 

9. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
Yes I do. It's Toto. Proceed to laugh, I don't mind.

10. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
My family's Land in Hebron. They have vines that goes on forever. The air, fresh and musty. And the green nature consumes you. Its just so cathartic. 

11. How many books you have read since the beginning of the year?

11 Questions:

1. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

2.What did you do for your last birthday?

3. What is your perfect pizza?

4.  Do you play video games? if so, what are they? If not, why?

5.  If you can have 3 wishes to the world, and not yourself, what would they be?

6.  What was your first job ever?

7.  What was the happiest moment of your life? 

8.  What has been your biggest challenges?

9.  What one thing that should be taught in school that isn't already?

10.  What is  your favorite movie and why?

11.  Tell me a secret? 

Kinneret, you've been tagged, ( I hope I spelled your name right).