Thursday, March 10, 2016

11 facts by Etti

11 facts about myself:
1. I have one child whose name is Ofek. He was born on November 11, 2011; a very special date.
2. I spent all of my maternity leave in the hospital because my son was born prematurely, three months before the due date.
3. I've been bitten twice by two cruel and dangerous dogs (German Shepherd Dog and      Rottweiler.)
4. I traveled to India and Nepal for 6 amazing months.
5. I almost met my death while taking a boat from island to island in Thailand.
6. I like blue very much.
7.  I suffer from acrophobia and bungee jumping is not for me!
8. I hate the winter season because it's very cold and gray.
9. I live in my childhood house, and I even sleep in the same room.
10. I like to bake cookies and cakes.
11.  I worked as a ground stewardess in Ben- Gurion International Airport for 1 year.
Answers to the questions:
1.       If money was no object, what would you do all day? I would do things that I usually can't do due to lack of time or work. First, I would open the day with a delicious breakfast in bed. Then, I would sunbathe in my garden and read books. After that, I would eat lunch and of course I wouldn't miss my siesta/ afternoon nap. Afterwards, I would spend quality time with my husband and my son which includes watching a movie or even just talking with them about their day.
2.       What one thing would you change if you had to do it over? When I was in junior high, I studied Arabic for 3 years and was very good at it. Unfortunately, in the tenth grade, I had to choose my major. I chose the study of art, and today I would choose differently and continue my Arabic studies. I think that it is a very important language especially because in Israel there is a big Arabic population and knowing their language can be very helpful.
3.       My favorite memory is from my childhood. I studied in a small religious school in my hometown until the fifth grade. (By the end of the fifth grade I had to find another school because the number of pupils per class became very small and eventually it closed.) I really liked this school because it had a very warm atmosphere, and it reminded me of the time when where everything was more pure and innocent. (It was in the 80's.)
4.       What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already? I think that Nutrition is a very important issue. Pupils should learn more about having good eating habits.
5.       If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? I would go back to 2005. In that year I traveled to India and Nepal for six months and it was a very fun and exciting period of my life.
6.       If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be? I would like to live in the world of the T.V. show "Friends" because I would really like to hang out with them in "Central Perk".
7.       If you could get away with a crime, would you? If yes, what would it be?  I truly can't think about a crime and I wouldn't want to get away with committing a crime because I am a really ethical person.
8.       Why did you choose your profession? I chose to be a teacher because I think that it is an interesting and varied profession. I feel that I learn something new every day from my pupils.
9.       What would you do if you were the president of your own country? I would add one more day to the weekend. It would be great for religious and secular people who are very stressful and nervous and want to rest at home or just be free to do whatever they want.
10.    What book has influenced you most? THE ART of HEARING HEARTBEATS/by Jan Philipp Sendker.It is a very recommendable book.  I read it a year ago, and I couldn't stop reading it. I found myself thinking a lot about the story after finishing it.  
11.   If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be? I would like to learn how to scuba dive.

My 11 questions:
1. What is your favorite holiday?
2. What would you do if you were the last person in earth?
3. What would you do if you won one million dollars?
4. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
5. Why did you choose to become a teacher?
6. What kind of music do you like?
7. How many countries have you been to in the world?
8. What did you like about these countries?
9. If you had the chance to change something in world what would it be?
10. What is the most expensive clothing item you have ever bought?
11. Are you superstitious? Why or why not?


  1. I'm glad we're finally 'back on track' after a long break. Thank you for bringing this blog back to life with your list. Have you ever tried scuba diving?
    Sorry to hear about no 3. I was also bitten by a German Shepherd as a child. But I do like Rottweilers

  2. Can you make peanut butter and chocolate chips cookies? Mmm my fave.

  3. woow India i would love to travel there. How was it ?

  4. I love your answers to my questions.
